Tuesday, January 20, 2009


An important thing happened today: George Bush stopped being the President of the United State of America. It is being hailed as historific; the day we didn't think we'd live to see; the end of an error. But difficult to believe though it is, something more important still makes even bigger news: Barack Obama took office. I can come home!

Be like me, kids, and get your presidential art fix at The Obama Art Report. It's a great blog of art about Obama. I love it. Long and hard. Into the night.

I was looking through the list of one-liners that I keep for this blog, trying to find an appropriately inspirational sentiment to mark the date. Most of my morsels are macabre, profane, or both. I was about ready to fucking kill myself, when I spied a tidbit I took from a lecture on bread making. It is called the Baker's Blessing. I hope that it finds you both in and out of the kitchen.

May your crust be crisp and your bread always rise.