The Times
I am quoted in a New York Times article on Circle Rules Football, of which I partook for the first time last Sunday. I had such fascinating things to say as, "It’s about having fun." Better still, the link on my name yields 8 pages of articles on the convicted murderer. My date is also visible in the header photo, looking nearly shirtless and totally fearless.
I had my job interview today in Chicago. There was a slight snafu in the not-missing-my-flight department but I caught a later plane and proceeded to have a very long, largely enjoyable interview process. I unfortunately was not able to meet up with Cora. I will think about her while while masturbating all next week to make it up.
I am re-reading my favorite book right now. It is as good as ever. If you're curious what it is, why don't you ask me? It's been too long since we caught up*.
Well my chick peas, that's all for now. Remember that I love you just the way I pretend you are!
* NOTE to my posthumous readers for whom that sentiment is potentially upsetting: Sorry.