Monday, February 02, 2009

The First of February

  • Just returned from my latest Glorious Return To The Gym. It is my Beloved Leader.
  • This is my first Super Bowl in a while where I haven't gotten piss drunk at Julia's apartment and screamed like a wild person. GO PATS!
  • Kris just brought me three, I repeat, THREE 2-litre (yes, 'r' before the 'e') things of milk. Kris is a milk man. He is a good friend to have.
  • And the other day, he brought by two movies on flash drive: Benjamin Button and Rock 'n Rolla. What I'm saying is, Kris is my Santa Clause.
  • Benjamin Button had my crying like a fool. Not like that's hard. It was the most sobbing I've done since watching the end of Six Feet Under.
  • The Rock 'n Rolla file was slightly corrupt and had some playback issues, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's very Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.
  • I'm all of a sudden digging MGMT. Am I, like, way behind on that?
Who knows what regular people see in each other.