Zesty Lemons
I wrote this:
trauma, paige
Today we did a guerrilla run of Romeo and Juliet in Central Park. Alacrity drove me to injury in the balcony scene: I skinned my knees whilst attempting a "rock and roll slide" on the gravel. Bandaged with a piece of Craig's shirt and on my feet again, I remarked to Grant and Steven, between slurps of the icicle pop Steve got me, that I relish the rare occasions on which I am the victim. I don't desire sickness or accident but when such things befall me I find guilty pleasure in the attention and popsicles. Injured and without my wallet as I am, it is reassuring to know that I have friends who will help and love me. I would do the same for any of them.
I was feeling significantly less kumbaya as I walked the mile from campus to Lafayette on my bum legs - without a MetroCard or the means to purchase one - and hungry for the food I cannot buy without cash, card, or student ID. That, I suppose, is the downside of suffering.
"That's so meta." -Craig on Travis doing Alex doing Julia doing that line from Shakespeare in Love
How much of my wallet got stolen today:
I confess, while writing this post I came to realize that these two things are more alike and I would prefer. The main difference between writing code and writing essays is that you immediately know what your code does.
This game is amazing.
It was my 21st birthday yesterday.
Exactly 2 years ago on April 20th, 2005, Google launched Search History, allowing users to record every search they make and every result they visit. Two years worth of searches must say something about me, so here are the stats:
In the 730 days from 7:19pm, 20 April 2005 to 12:45am, 20 April 2007...
6 months ago I informed you - "threatened" might be more accurate - that you had until April 19, 2007 to switch to Ubuntu or else I would not be your friend anymore. Well it's April 19 and guess what: you're in luck! because I'm officially extending the deadline*. You now have all the way until at least October 18th to mend your wicked ways. Generous of me, I know, but that's just who I am. Now for the good news: the new version of Ubuntu is available today, right on schedule.
Now listen up. You don't have to install Ubuntu (yet), but you really ought to. Here's why:
It was raining like a mathafaka today, all day. Crazy, crazy rain. April. Pshaw.
Watch this.
To the Google Summer of Code, that is. Better still, both of my applications were accepted. Applicants can only work on one project, so I received an IM from Joe Shaw (head of the Beagle project, to which I had applied) asking on which project I would prefer to work. Despite having earlier told myself that I would take Beagle if given the chance, I decided to go with the other project: porting Banshee to Windows. I've started a blog just about the project, so if you're interested you can keep up on that. Hopefully that means you won't suffer too many highly-technical posts on this blog. Hopefully.
This thing pays $4,500. Sveet!
I had the best laugh I've had in a long time last night with Grant. Today I was late for class because I thought it started at 10:30. It began at 9:30.
We say "take a shit" when we really mean "leave a shit."
There are repairs happening on the side of our building. It involves hammering and drilling and loud Spanish. It's very annoying.
Happy Easter. This has been a three-day weekend for me which has been vry nahs. I made a Gtk user interface for my brainfuck interpreter/compiler and I may do a Forms one for the benefit of all those Windows brainfuck developers.
The worst part about being right is actually being wrong.
I previously mentioned my propensity to jump from article to article when browsing Wikipedia. Well, I noticed myself doing it today and thought I'd share my journey. Thank God for Firefox's "Undo Close Tab" command!
Actually, two nights ago. In my dream, I missed a segment on The News Hour with Jim Lehrer about a gravity machine. I went to the NYU library to see an archive of the piece. At the reception desk was my friend James (who works the 2nd floor desk at Adler). I showed him my student ID and he signaled me toward a viewing theater. I entered the room and a news segment began playing, but it was the wrong one. I stepped out of the theater to inquire about the mixup, but rather than find James behind the desk, I saw Jim Lehrer laying on a bed, naked, masturbating. I retreated to the theater and waited some minutes until I thought it safe again. When I re-emerged, I stood face to face with Jim Lehrer's wife. Then I woke up.
The Most Hated Family in America
A fascinating BBC2 doc on the Phelps family.
I'm a fool. I'm from April. I guess I'm an April Fool.