- A happy chappy never wakes 'fore noon.
- My Realism vs. Naturalism class was at the American Museum of Natural History. Fancy!
- We had a worksheet with questions to answer about the museum. How high school.
- I ditched my poor partner and took some pictures & shot some video. I'll go back to those and answer the questions later. Like, next Thursday, two hours before it's due.
- I paid the new Darwin exhibit a visit (which I had been meaning to do), but they closed the hall two hours early. I got a free rain check ticket.
- Dropped by Pakistan to vote for Hamas before going home.
- The gym was mighty fine.
- My phone rang last night with a call from a studiomate who is putting on a show. I didn't audition but she implored me to come to the callbacks tomorrow (today). I suited up and headed out. (P.S. I didn't get a part in the show. Hmpff)
- At 10:30 I closed my eyes.
- At 4:30 I fell asleep.
I got some great shots at the Museum of Natural History and they're on Flickr now (link to the left, or
here if you get this with a reader - in which case, why don't you just subscribe to the Flickr feed? You already have? Wonderful!) and I may post some of the video I shot, just for S&G.