- Class cancelled?!
- A minor mistake cost me half an hour in the biting cold.
- Certain things about my Group embarrass me.
- Ack! Blog, your "Chronological Account of The Events of My Day" structure has forced me to remember Verse class. Curse You!
- Friends are engaged to share yesterday's eclipsing play with me again on Sunday.
- At LONG LAST (and you, fair reader - being neither me nor my roommate - cannot fully appreciate the auspice of this encounter) I have meet MATT. Contrary to my earlier theories, he is real!
- Had a jolly time at the jim.
- Retired for a soothing evening of web browsing and leisurely reading.
Happy One-Month-Birthday, Blog! Ya know, I'm kinda starting to like you, you old coot. And I forgive you the thing about verse class.