- Gobble Gobble!
- Earlier than expected? Super Shuttle, I love you!
- Longer than expected? Airport security checkpoint line, you disappoint me!
- Not to worry, I'll just whip out my Awesome Atomic Smile: No gloom can withstand its power!
- What sleep was lost to the suitemate's party was found on the plane. Unsalted please!
- My father found me cold and offered me a motor vehicle. Sure I'll ride home, dad!
- Hug the fam! Yeah!
- Phone the extended fam! Awkward!
- Schmooze the honorary fam! I wuv you guws!
- Spare a turkey, eat some ham!
- Ah, the joy of masterbating in one's own bathroom!
- Harry Potter. 'Nuff said!
- Saw a friend at the theater!
- And then to sweet, sweet sleep!
This post has as many exclamation marks as it does all other punctuation marks combined!