Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Events of My Day: Sunday, November the Twenty Seventh, Two Thousand and Five

  • Woke at my father's prompting, took a shower, and went back to sleep*.
  • Woke at my father's wild berating, threw on some cloths, and left for the airport.
  • I ordered a #4 ($3.96) from the terminal Burger King when I meant to order a number #3 ($4.96). Half-way through the French toast sticks, I imagined that I was actually eating the omelet sandwich I had desired. I then gloated to the Burger King corporation for getting what I really wanted at a dollar bellow the advertised price. I was not well slept.
  • The flight was a haze of half-conscious attempts to adjust the erection in my pants.
  • Finished my book on the Super Shuttle and formulated today's closing tidbit.
  • Unpacked.
  • Scared my roommate.
  • Ran to the gym, which was closed! (grrrr)
  • Showered.
  • Did some alone-work on my scene.
  • Got to bed early. Huzzah!
* I have no memory of these events.

A Proof That Virtual Objects Cannot Be Real
I know this proof to be incomplete because it lacks definitions for virtual and real objects. I omit them in the interest of brevity and trust that you, dear reader, share my same intuitive definition of the terms.

According to quantum theory, the physical attributes (mass, position, velocity, etc.) of real objects must first be observed in order to be calculated. By contrast, the physical attributes of virtual objects must first be calculated in order for them to be observed. Due to the necessary limitations on observation time (the speed of light) and calculation time (depending on the means of calculation, the speed of light, the speed of electrons through a given medium, the speed of pencil across paper), the observation and calculation can never occur simultaneously, thus rendering irrelevant the order in which the two occur. Consequently, it is a physical impossibility for virtual objects to be real.
