We will one day tell our grandchildren of such a thing as night
And of a world on which there only ever shone a single sun.
trauma, paige
We will one day tell our grandchildren of such a thing as night
And of a world on which there only ever shone a single sun.
My dinner this evening consisted of two Silver Spur hamburgers. The meal was equivalent to eleven helpings of Grade A beef and the decision will likely cost me a day from the end of my life. I can hear old Scott's death rattle now: "If I only hadn't had those two hamburgers!"
Today was a good day. I. . .
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo. [1]
One of my more violent urges is to throw the pedestrian in front of me to the ground while screaming, "Move your fucking ass you tourist turd!" I often have this urge. About 20 times a day.
If you fell into a bottomless pit on Earth, your body would reach relativistic speeds after 35 days. Unfortunately you would be dead from dehydration by day 6, at the latest.